Fun Fact About Seamasque

The best mask in the world has to be the one that gives instant results, right? Exactly!

Seamasque is 100% natural and chemical free, yet your skin texture will be transformed from the very first application! 

Seamasque is exfoliating, brightening, and nourishing, as well as extremely expressive and outgoing. Now that's an interesting thing to say about a mask, isn't it? Well, it's true.

Our organic, wild Icelandic sea kelp is alive and well in the jar. It's so alive that it grows in the jar after we bottle it ~ talk about getting the most for your money! Stir Seamasque upon opening, and before every use.  The stirring is a catalyst for the magic reaction in the formula - the kelp marries the minerals, and yay... Masknificient! Volcanic geothermal heat enhances the active properties of the kelp. Combine that with amazing, natural minerals and, voilá…create a mask beyond compare! Your new, glowing complexion will verify!

- Janis, Founder